
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2015

Entrevistas: Owen Jones en Carne Cruda

El Banco de Grecia ha abierto una cuenta para donaciones.  Llegar a pagar a los acreedores la inmensa deuda me parece que es un plan demasiado ambicioso -quizás no tanto, al parecer alguien ha echado las cuentas y si cada ciudadano europeo pusiera 3€ se liquidaba totalmente-. Ésto me hace recordar a Lola Flores  aunque claro, nada tienen que ver. Lo suyo sería que los cabronazis que se han llevado la pasta o se la han gastado en avioncitos y tanques lo devolvieran.  En fin, para lo que puede servir el dinero que se recaude en esta cuenta a una Grecia en situación de "corralito" es para pagar las nóminas a los funcionarios y las pensiones, sólo por eso creo que merece la pena rascarse el bolsillo.

Animación: CODA

Award-Winning Animation About A Soul Meeting Death Coda means a concluding event, a summation. It’s also a fitting name for a short, animated Irish film about a soul that meets Death. It starts off with a bloke in Dublin who has had one or two pints too many. Stumbling home, he gets into a car accident and dies. Yet the soul stumbles onward, before sitting down on a bench, where Death, large and in a trademark black coat, catches up to him. The soul tries to strike a deal for more time. The animation is minimalistic, yet it uses what it has extremely well. And for a grim subject, it has a good, somewhat humorous start. It had garnered heaps of praise, going as far as getting shortlisted at the Academy Awards. As for the creative folks behind it, it was made by And Maps And Plans, a small studio in Dublin. More info:  andmapsandplans.com  |  facebook  |  twitter  (h/t:  designtaxi )     

Clásicos de la conspiración: Planeta huérfano (sin estrella cercana)

' Orphan ' Alien Planet Found Nearby Whithout Parent Star       

Palabra de Yanis

As it happened – Yanis Varoufakis’ intervention during the 27th June 2015 Eurogroup Meeting  Posted on  June 28, 2015  by  yanisv The Eurogroup Meeting of 27th June 2015 will not go down as a proud moment in Europe’s history. Ministers turned down the Greek government’s request that the Greek people should be granted a single week during which to deliver a Yes or No answer to the institutions’ proposals – proposals crucial for Greece’s future in the Eurozone. The very idea that a government would consult its people on a problematic proposal put to it by the institutions was treated with incomprehension and often with disdain bordering on contempt. I was even asked: “How do you expect common people to understand such complex issues?”. Indeed, democracy did not have a good day in yesterday’s Eurogroup meeting! But nor did European institutions. After our request was rejected, the Eurogroup President broke with t...

Clásicos de la conspiración - Copérnico vs Ptolomeo (heliocentrismo vs geocentrismo)


Entrevistas - Pedro Olalla

Pedro Olalla